Frequently Asked Questions

1What is occupational therapy in mental health?
Occupational therapy helps you do what matters most – daily tasks, hobbies, relationships, etc. Think beyond jobs! Occupations include anything that occupies time. This broad definition allows practitioners to focus on different specialty areas with post-graduate training. Occupational therapists at Mental Health Matters are specifically trained to support mental health. Sessions are conversation-based and goal-oriented. We collaborate on practical short-term solutions as well as explore the root of your barriers in order to create long-term change.
2How much do sessions cost?
Individual sessions cost $165. We offer a limited number of sliding scale slots on a first come first serve basis. Check with us to see if there are any sliding scale spots available.
3Do you accept insurance?
We do not accept insurance at this time.
4How long do sessions last?
Sessions last for 50 minutes. The frequency and duration of treatment varies between each individual client based on differing goals, progress, and evolving needs.
5Where are you located?
Our office is located in the University City neighborhood of Philadelphia. We also offer services remotely to anyone in the state of Pennsylvania.